
Dr. Elsey's Crystal Attract Litter

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Gentle on Paws – Tough on Odors, Hypoallergenic and Non-Toxic, Long-Haired Cat Friendly & Multi-Cat Strength

Crystal Cat Litter With Cat Attract®

Crystal Attract™ is formulated with a natural herbal attractant to bring cats back to the box.

Crystal Attract™ is a crystal cat litter formulated with Cat Attract® to draw cats to the litter box. Super absorbent, it traps urine and odor on contact and is suitable for all breeds, including long-haired cats. Crystal Attract™ is low tracking and will not adhere to a cat’s long fur or color the coat.

Ingredients: Silica Sand and Hydrolyzed Herbs (Does Not Contain Crystalline Silica)


New Users…

  1. Pour Dr. Elsey’s Crystal Attract™ into a clean litter box, using half as much as you would with clay based litter. Top off the Crystal Attract™ with your current litter, mixing as you add.
  2. Give your cat time to get used to the crystal texture.
  3. Once your cat is used to the texture (about one week), empty the litter box completely into the trash and refill with Dr. Elsey’s Crystal Attract™.

Experienced Users…

  1. Pour one inch of Dr. Elsey’s Crystal Attract™ into a clean litter box.
  2. Remove solid waste daily and rake crystals to ensure freshness. Litter does not form scoopable clumps.
  3. A single litter box filled with Dr. Elsey’s Crystal Attract™ can handle multiple cats but they recommend using more than one litter box if you have more than one cat.
  4. Crystals may become discolored. The color does not affect the performance. One application will typically last two weeks depending upon use. After two weeks, completely dump the contents of the box and wash with mild soap and hot water.
  5. Refill with one inch of Dr. Elsey’s Crystal Attract™.

One bag of Dr. Elsey’s Crystal Attract™ will last one cat approximately two months.

Natural for Your Cats and Convenient for You

The key to having your cat always use its litter box is to keep it clean.

Scoop the box daily to keep it fresh and encourage your cat to always come back.

Have more than one cat… have more than one litter box.

Place the litter box in a quiet place, away from noisy appliances and high traffic areas.

A Clean Litter Box Means a Good Home for Your Cat

Establish routines for your cat. Feed your cat regularly at the same time and in the same place every day. Playtime is important, at least 15 minutes a day. Keep toys handy and a scratching post nearby. A happy, content cat is least likely to develop behavior problems.

Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling the litter box. A parasite sometimes found in cat feces can cause toxoplasmosis. Encouraging your cat to use an indoor litter box, or properly disposing of outdoor cat feces, is beneficial to overall water quality. Please do not flush cat litter in toilets or dispose of it outdoors in gutters or storm drains.